
Implement pro-active communication strategies with your residents to increase satisfaction and retention. Alert Solutions Resident API enables you to issue automated billing, maintenance, and community event notifications via three communication channels including email, voice and SMS text messaging.
  • Eliminate paper and postage costs
  • Improve tenant satisfaction and retention levels
  • Improved communication
  • Use the medium your residents and staff prefer
  • Use the language your residents and staff speak
  • Foster two-way communications – ask recipients to respond using their keypad
1815_exterior_1When confronted with unexpected crises, property owners and managers must often be able to reach their employees, contractors, and tenants quickly. Most important, they must have the ability not only to broadcast messages, but to receive responses in real-time to ensure the message was delivered.
Research shows that good communication between management and residents plays a key role in resident satisfaction and retention. Alert Solutions helps property managers provide personalized communications to residents instantly via multiple communication channels including email, voice, SMS text and desktop alert.
Our alerts system offers unsurpassed speed and capacity, giving you the ability to reach thousands of customers within a matter of minutes.
Clear Track Media Text Notifications  makes it easy to send messages to your entire resident list or any sub-group without tying-up your staff, your phone lines or interrupting your operations. The system is 100% web-based, giving you the ability to deploy a message from any location. Only a telephone or a computer with Internet access is required to send your message.
Clear Track Media Text Notifications, you can even reach your residents using the communication method they prefer.